Many catalogs and web sites offer so much information that it slows, rather than speeds the sale. Here are a few ways to help customers sort through the choices faster and make a buying decision.
1) Search by Feature. Bloom time, deer resistance, height, color, light requirements, fragrance…a daunting number of variables go into plant selection. The companies that get my business are the ones whose web sites use advanced search features to make the sorting process easy.
2) Offer Kits and Collections. If I’m putting in a new garden bed in a shady area, and a shade garden collection catches my eye, I’m sure to look further. If I like what I see and it’s a good value, why look further? I’ll just buy right then.
3) Themed Navigation. Give people the ability to search by themes, such as best sellers, price points, or other helpful parameters, and you’ll get them to “yes” a whole lot faster.
4) Suggest Companion Plants. Whether in your catalog or on your web site, the more times you can suggest plants that grow well together, the higher your average sale will be.
5) Give a Deadline. When January comes, a stack of garden catalogs takes its place on my nightstand. The ones I order from first are the ones that offer an “early bird” special. I’m always astonished that more companies don’t do it.