One of the most common mistakes we see is lead-generating ads that are far larger than they need to be to generate response. If your goal is to generate catalog requests or website visitors, it’s crucial to keep your ad economical.
Making an ad work in small space is a real art form. With skill and careful consideration, it’s nearly always possible to craft a 2-1/2” square ad that includes a powerful headline, a visual that selects out your market, several lines of bulleted copy, your logo, company name, address, phone number and url.
You may find that a 1/6 page ad may be more profitable for you than a 1/12 page ad. Only testing will tell what works best for you. Rarely is ¼ page, 1/3 page or larger more economical for generating leads from consumers. Some companies alternate 1/6 page ads in their strongest season with smaller ads in the off seasons.
The larger the ad, the more quickly it tends to fall off. You can run a smaller ad far longer without significant falloff. What’s more, smaller ads help you stretch your budget to test more media.