In our last post, we discussed a little secret for researching keywords easily and inexpensively. Today, here’s another tip for developing a strong keyword list:
Choose any Ad Group in your Google AdWords account, and go to the Keywords tab. In the middle of the grey bar above your keyword list, you’ll find a drop-down menu called “See search terms…” Click on that tab, and select “All.”
That will give you a list of all the search terms people used to find your ad. Review it carefully for unqualified search terms.
For instance, people looking for “cheap plants” may be bargain hunters you’d prefer not to attract. Those searching on “The Black Dahlia” are probably looking for a murder mystery, not a perennial flower.
You can specify that your ad does not appear when words like “cheap” or “black” are included in the search by using Negative Match. Eliminating such searches should improve your click-through rate, which will in turn boost your ranking without increasing your cost per click.
Coming up next: another tip on using often-overlooked Google tools to boost your AdWords ranking.