Most companies think of advertising as a means of growing sales. That’s all well and good, but prospecting is necessary just to stay in place. To determine your breakeven advertising budget, you must answer two critical questions: (Click on the headline for more…)
Some Surprising Changes in Prospecting Media
Everyone loves looking over their shoulder to see what other companies are doing and how it’s working for them. To that end, Multichannel Merchant recently conducted a survey of catalogers, comparing 2011 marketing plans with what they did in 2010.
When asked about plans for 2011 prospecting, respondents only planned to increase their use of three media, and they all surprised me. (Click on the headline for more…)
Should You Put Prospecting On Hold?
When economic times are hard, it’s tempting to call a halt to prospecting in order to conserve cash. Sounds harmless enough, but think twice before you do. Unless you replenish the buyers you lose to attrition, it’s amazing how fast you can dig yourself into a hole that’s awfully tough to climb out of. Here’s what I mean: (Click on the headline for more…)